Page 153 - 2021刀把目錄
P. 153
森姴ێጱ褖ګ Tightening Force
矒ګ森姴ێጱय़ੜ牧ฎྋ嘦ֵአڏጱ᯿ᥝ橕棎牧ॡय़ॡੜ Controlling the tightening force is important when
᮷䛑哴ᰁ螨ع牪森姴瞓ێॡय़䨝蝨౮ᣪଌ膏ڏጱ䠔瓥牧ॡੜ assembling tool holder. Over tightening force damages nut
and tool holder; but, less force can not clamp the tool tightly.
Torque wrench can adjust the tightening force to ensure the
best result.
ݢ胼䨝叨ኞ蕈綫ጱ蟂֖ ᛔᤈ疥瞘ಋے裾牧蝨౮森姴瞓ێ螂य़ ྋ嘦ොୗ(ֵአ秂伛瞘ಋ)
Position can be cracked. Standard with an extension lever causes Recommended as with a
the over tightening force. standard wrench.
Recommended tightening force for ER Collet Chuck
ER ڏ蟴ݳᣪଌࣳୗ kgf.m N.m
( Ӟ膢 / B,BR / M,MS) 獍ګ㻌֖ ᇍ毉㻌֖
ER11 / B,BR / M,MS 2 / 2 / 1.2 19.6 / 19.6 / 12 REFERENCE
ER16 / B,BR / M,MS 4 / 3 / 1.8 39.2 / 29.4 / 18
ER20 / B,BR / M,MS 6 / 3.6 / 2.3 58.8 / 35 / 23
ER25 / B,BR 6 / 4.1 58.8 / 40
ER32 7 68.6
ER40 8 78.4