Page 13 - 襯套
P. 13

                                                   G.HEADLESS LINER BUSH

          ●  引導用固定襯套,請於插入式襯套的引導下使用。
          ●  引導用固定襯套請勿用於鉆孔和鉸刀的加工。
          ●  就引導用固定襯套和襯套承板的固定而言。
             ⊙普通精度的場合(一般的)因無帽緣固定式襯套,其外徑係以p6 公差製造,
             固襯套承板的孔請用H7 公差,以利壓入配合。(用外徑m5 的鉸刀加工,即
             可得H7 的公差。)
          ●  襯套外徑由實測而得,而襯套承板孔徑比襯套外徑小0.004~0.006mm,裝配

          ● Headless liner bush is used for guide of renewable bush.

          ● Headless liner bush cannot be used for guide of drill or reamer.
          ● Information on pressing headless liner bush in the bush plate.
              ôIn case of normal precision (general):
              Bore a hole in bush plate at H7 in which the headless liner bush with O.D.
              (D) p6 can be fitted.
              (The tolerance of a hole bored by reamer with O.D. m5 is H7.)
              ôIn case of requiring high precision:
          ●     Bore in the bush plate the hole with diameter less some 0.004 ~ 0.006 than O.D.
              of headless liner bush actually measured. in which the bush is straight by
              oil pressure press.

            Standard dimensions ( Special dimensions be ordered)

               ød (內徑)          øD (外徑) (OD)                   l         訂購例: Order
                  (ID)                p6            R                    G – 10.0 x 12
              8      +0.032      12                                                     全長 l Length
             10      +0.023      15      +0.029             12˙16                       內徑 ID
             12      +0.036      18                 2       16˙20                       型式 Type
             15      +0.025      22
             18      +0.037      26      +0.035             20˙25
             22      +0.040      30
             26      +0.027      35                 3       25˙30
             30      +0.041      42      +0.042
             35                  48                         30˙35
             42      +0.045      55                 4
             48                  62      +0.051             35˙45
             55      +0.055      70
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16